Have safety net for Development.
QualiGeeks have been perfecting the art of Software Testing since Years
Our passion for Software Engineering calibrates every aspect of Software Quality which takes product experience at new heights.
Not just speed of software matters but its correctness also, we understand this and we work on every aspect of Quality that impacts end user.
We don't only Test Your code but we test entire product, right from testing requirements till end deployed version
Our Geeks have all necessary skills to identify each and every corner scenario in your product
We keep close eye on each change request to check if nothing breaks because of it.
We don't only test when things move in QA lane but much early by shifting testing to left
Our Geeks strive to gain all necessary knowledge of tools, products, frameworks technologies which helps in testing
Testing if not done right can lead to lot of bugs, issues into production causing lot loss on multiple fronts like sales, brand and customers
Moving wheels in development needs constant checks implemented so that you dont need to be worried about end results
Testing requires Mindset a niche attitude that only QualiGeeks can provide